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Job Well Done!

Fantastic recognition for our own John Myers, Contracts Manager in Cornwall for delivering a brilliant project at St Newlyn East Village Hall.

 A natural focal point and meeting place for the village this much loved building was long overdue some TLC, in steps John and his team, working closely alongside the client the results speak for themselves, his testimonial off his client isn't bad either! Well done John and all involved, this indeed is a job well done!

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More recognition for our WMS Response Services Team!

More recognition for our WMS Response Services Team! Now that's service!


"Dear Greg,

I just wanted to pass on some positive feedback I received this morning.

The resident of flat 25 came to thank me on the speed and efficiency of the repair being attended and carried out. The job was reported to me during my visit to her flat to do a Property Check yesterday, I raised the job on Plentific directly after the visit. The resident then received a call from your team that same afternoon to confirm a contractor was coming today 26th (next day).

At 8am this morning, the contractor arrived as arranged and carried out the repair. The resident was amazed at the excellent service. Thank you to all the team!"

Pam, Location Manager 

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Jane Creighton promoted to WMS Contracts Manager!

Jane started her journey with WMS in January 2022 as Contracts Supervisor, overseeing and delivering multiple small works and response services projects. Quickly demonstrating her skills, industry knowledge and professionalism Jane has been an integral part of the WMS Somerset Office's continued development and growth.

Jane started working in the construction industry alongside Area Manager Chris Snell back in March 2014 and during her career has developed a great knowledge and understanding of the industry. The promotion to Contracts Manager is recognition of Jane's consistent hard work and commitment.

Chris Snell said “I could not be happier for Jane, amazing achievement. Jane and I started working together some 11 years ago now. The acknowledgment and promotion to Contracts Manager is well deserved. Amazing for Jane and her career development, but also great to see a female smashing it in what is a heavily populated male industry. Well done Jane!”

Congratulations Jane, from all your friends at WMS!

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WMS Welcomes 30 new Team Members in Cornwall!

What a great 2 days we've had welcoming 30 new team members to our WMS operations in Cornwall!
Successfully securing the contract to deliver Cornwall Housing Limited's new Responsive Repairs Service in West Cornwall our team is now even stronger with these new additions and key to us achieving our exciting goals and ambitions.

 Running our Welcome Event over 2 full days from the fantastic facilities supplied by the County Arms in Truro we shared our WMS Vision, What our WMS/Cornwall Housing Partnership will look like, Our WMS Ethos and our commitment to delivering exceptional Social Value.

The team were trained on our bespoke WMS Response Services App then covered all things Health and Safety before being issued with new uniforms, PPE and mobile devices.

The 2 days were wrapped up with WMS Area Manager James Gibbon sharing his vision with what tomorrow will look like and went on to say, "these are exciting days at WMS and we would like to welcome these guys with open arms, they are key to us getting to where we want to be and we want them to be part of our fantastic plans for the future! One Team Baby!"

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WMS welcome Jo Wells as new Commercial Manager!

As part of the ongoing evolution of our business WMS are thrilled to announce the arrival of Jo Wells as our Commercial Manager!

 A new role within the business the WMS Commercial Manager is integral to the ongoing development and future strategic direction of the business and is a key appointment for WMS.

As we continue to grow the Commercial Manager role will put us in an even better position to challenge for and deliver some of the fantastic game changing opportunities we have secured and identified.

Jo started her career in the construction industry in 2005, at the age of 23, as a receptionist for a National Integrated Compliance Services company, working within the Social Housing sector.

Fast forward to 2023 Jo was offered the opportunity to become the Group Commercial Manager for a building services specialist operating in the affordable housing and public sectors, based in Bristol; working with local authorities and social landlords to maintain and refurbish the properties in their care.

Jo is passionate about the construction industry in general and have spent many times visiting colleges and schools to encourage the next generation (especially young females) to join the industry sharing our appreciation of all things social value.

Jo has made an immediate impression with the team here at WMS and we would all like to welcome her and wish her all the best as she helps in the ongoing evolution and success of WMS!

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Cornwall Housing Limited Deliver Resident Engagement Session!

WMS were thrilled to be invited to attend a brilliant Resident Engagement Session at Cornwall Housing Limited’s HQ in Bodmin recently!

 Flying the flag on behalf of WMS James and Steve enjoyed the opportunity to meet and introduce WMS to residents and share our plans for delivering a fantastic service for years to come!

Here’s what CHL had to say about the day…
"The 4 contractors we’ve chosen to deliver our new responsive repairs service, home safety checks and breakdown services received a warm welcome – and a lot of questions - when we invited them for a face-to-face meeting with residents at our Bodmin HQ earlier this week."

The event was attended by Cornwall Housing Directors and Managers from Correct Contract Services, who will provide countywide heating repairs from 1 April 2025 and electrical testing from 2026, and the 3 contractors who will take over everyday repairs from 1 March – Westcountry Maintenance Services (WMS) Limited (covering West Cornwall), Cardo Group (covering Northeast Cornwall) and MD Group (covering Southeast Cornwall).

It was an opportunity for residents to raise questions, suggestions and concerns based on their previous experiences of the existing service and seek reassurance that things would get better.

Ian Frazer, CHL’s Executive Director of Asset Management, told residents: “We know we haven’t got things right in the past and I can’t promise you that everything will be perfect from day one. But I really believe that, in the longer term, this new collective partnership working will bring lasting benefits to our residents and Cornwall as a whole.”

We can’t wait to start!

Thank you one and all!

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