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Health and Safety Training

Posted by WMS on July 8, 2015

The latest one day health and safety awareness training course ....

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WMS Ltd Management Meeting Wednesday May 13th

Posted by wms on June 1, 2015

WMS Ltd held their recent management meeting at head office in Bideford

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New WMS Uniforms

Posted by wms on May 2015

Staff at all WMS Ltd locations have been issued with a range of new uniform clothing which are tailored to meet both the demands of the job and all weathers.

The photo here features from left Rob Mark & Kelvin at our Redruth office in front of the branch's impressive new signage.

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South Devon Rural Housing Association

Posted by wms on March 27, 2015

WMS are delighted to announce that from April 1st 2015 they will undertake all planned and responsive works for South Devon Rural Housing Association. This win follows an extensive value for money research project carried out by staff at South Devon Rural over the past 6 months with WMS coming out on top . Both Chief Executive of SDR Steve Prime and Managing Director of WMS Ltd expressed their delight at the agreement and looked forward to an effective working relationship with the benefit of all SDR tenants as paramount

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Green Accord Accreditation

Posted by wms on 30 January, 2015

WMS Ltd  are pleased to have improved our acknowledged high standards of environmental care to an even greater level of achievement.

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WMS Accredited to the Safety Schemes in Procurement Standard

Posted by wms on 23rd January, 2015

WMS have been accredited to the ‘Safety Schemes in Procurement’ standard for the 8th consecutive year.

SSIP is the only health and safety scheme endorsed by the Health and Safety Executive.

We believe that our commitment to it has played a major role in the company’s exemplary health and safety record.

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