WMS were thrilled to be invited to attend a brilliant Resident Engagement Session at Cornwall Housing Limited’s HQ in Bodmin recently!
Flying the flag on behalf of WMS James and Steve enjoyed the opportunity to meet and introduce WMS to residents and share our plans for delivering a fantastic service for years to come!
Here’s what CHL had to say about the day…
"The 4 contractors we’ve chosen to deliver our new responsive repairs service, home safety checks and breakdown services received a warm welcome – and a lot of questions - when we invited them for a face-to-face meeting with residents at our Bodmin HQ earlier this week."
The event was attended by Cornwall Housing Directors and Managers from Correct Contract Services, who will provide countywide heating repairs from 1 April 2025 and electrical testing from 2026, and the 3 contractors who will take over everyday repairs from 1 March – Westcountry Maintenance Services (WMS) Limited (covering West Cornwall), Cardo Group (covering Northeast Cornwall) and MD Group (covering Southeast Cornwall).
It was an opportunity for residents to raise questions, suggestions and concerns based on their previous experiences of the existing service and seek reassurance that things would get better.
Ian Frazer, CHL’s Executive Director of Asset Management, told residents: “We know we haven’t got things right in the past and I can’t promise you that everything will be perfect from day one. But I really believe that, in the longer term, this new collective partnership working will bring lasting benefits to our residents and Cornwall as a whole.”
We can’t wait to start!
Thank you one and all!
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