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WMS Welcomes 30 new Team Members in Cornwall!

What a great 2 days we've had welcoming 30 new team members to our WMS operations in Cornwall!
Successfully securing the contract to deliver Cornwall Housing Limited's new Responsive Repairs Service in West Cornwall our team is now even stronger with these new additions and key to us achieving our exciting goals and ambitions.

 Running our Welcome Event over 2 full days from the fantastic facilities supplied by the County Arms in Truro we shared our WMS Vision, What our WMS/Cornwall Housing Partnership will look like, Our WMS Ethos and our commitment to delivering exceptional Social Value.

The team were trained on our bespoke WMS Response Services App then covered all things Health and Safety before being issued with new uniforms, PPE and mobile devices.

The 2 days were wrapped up with WMS Area Manager James Gibbon sharing his vision with what tomorrow will look like and went on to say, "these are exciting days at WMS and we would like to welcome these guys with open arms, they are key to us getting to where we want to be and we want them to be part of our fantastic plans for the future! One Team Baby!"


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