"It's fair to say that there are an awful lot of companies out there that fit kitchens and bathrooms, and we're no exception. However, for a change we thought you'd like to see something a little different.
The photo is of a specially designed kitchen we designed and fitted for a wheelchair user. The design was discussed with the resident first so that we could establish the best ergonomics for thier needs. Various other adaptations where made to the property at the same time including a ramped access, various handrails and a porch. Crucially a fixed date for the return of the resident was essential.
WMS always meet their targets, and this project was no exception. As a parting gift and in appreciation of the residents support, it's customary for WMS to leave a homecoming pack. Ours usually contains cups, tea, coffee, spoons, cloths, lightbulbs etc... in fact it can be tailored to suit the image any of our clients would like to project."
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